Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Inagural Post + Happy Anniversary

So, today marks the date of two occasions.  The first -- my first post on my newly created blog. w00t.  The second, not quite as exciting, but still notable -- 7 months as a commuter.  I guess I'd say that makes me official.  Officially crazy, maybe. ;)

In any case, of the two events occurring today, it's safe to say that the former fed from the latter.  I had been meaning to start a "commuter's" blog for quite some time now.  It seems that thoughts run through my head even more abundantly when I'm on the road.  And I'm on the road a lot.  Sure, many people have worse commutes than I do.  But in my life prior to this, my "commute" was a 15-minute drive door-to-door.  Needless to say, I was spoiled.  I knew I'd never have a better commute, unless I found a job right down the street from my house. Obviously, no such luck.

But - glass half-full, my job is rather enjoyable.  It makes commuting a lot more tolerable.  And truth be told, I don't mind driving.  I actually enjoy long drives on occasion.  What irks me.. what really gets to me.. is the TRAFFIC.  Ugh.  I'll save that topic for a different post.  Maybe on a day when it's really bad. Hey, it just might provide better commentary (heh. just sayin'..). 

Hmm.. so let's go over some stats this morning.

Alarm succeeded: 5:30a | Up and in the shower: 5:45a
Breakfast: Eggwich (turkey ham + egg) on a Spinach Asiago Bagel from Bagel Street Cafe
Coffee: Sm. half-caff (blend of hazelnut coffee & decaf coffee) from Bagel Street Cafe
Out the door: 6:35a | Pulled into parking spot: 7:56a
Mood: Not too shabby.  One of those It's-Tuesday-but-feels-like-a-Monday days. Might be a long one. We'll see. Head feels a tad bit foggy. Sipping on morning coffee and ice water.  [Wish that line read: Sipping on gin and juice. Ah well.]

Well that's all I have for today.  Thought I'd peep in and say Hullo! But, alas, the grind is calling.  I hear the faint call of client meetings and data analysis.. (sigh)  Is it Friday yet..?

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